Our Story



Our History

The Making Tracks team is highly experienced and committed to the health and wellbeing of local youth. Staff were originally employed by an Independent Secondary School, which closed at the end of 2018. As a result of the closure and with support and guidance from the local community and Back Track, the staff committed to establishing a new organisation. Making Tracks became an incorporated association with DGR status in 2019.

Our Mission

At Making Tracks our mission is to inspire and empower disengaged youth.

Our Vision

For all youth to live happy, healthy and whole. Daring to dream, believe and achieve.

Our Philosophy

Making Tracks team understands that a “one size fits all” approach to education does not work, particularly for our most vulnerable. We provide a holistic alternative learning environment with wrap around wellbeing support for individuals, families and communities. We believe youth need to feel they belong in order to strive for and achieve their goals. Our daily engagement and education programs are underpinned by the principles of the “Circle of Courage” which demonstrates that emotional health requires a sense of belonging, mastery, independence and generosity.  Making Tracks is committed to empowering our youth with skills and self-belief.

Our Work

Making Tracks core programs support high school students aged 12 to 17 years. These students are referred to us by the local high schools, are disengaged and not thriving within the traditional school environment.

Our after-school program targets school aged children by offering homework support, in addition to structured educational activities and team building. This program welcomes adults from the community that hold a Working with Children Check and encourage them to bring along non-school aged siblings.

All our programs are completely voluntary; participants are here because they choose to be. We cater for students from diverse backgrounds with 85% of our current youth identifying as Indigenous. As such, Making Tracks programs recognise Indigenous culture, knowledge and understandings in daily practice and teaching and learning.

Our People


Our Team

Julie Gill

CEO | Cofounder

Jamie Gilby

Youth Worker

Our Board

Our amazing board members who volunteer their time to help us run.

Chair : Chris Doherty

Secretary Treasurer & Public Officer : Geoff Webb

Members : Nola Wyman, Mikey Cutmore-Stokes, Heather Smith

Our Supporters

We are able to help those that need it thanks to our philanthropic and in-kind supporters. Thank you!

The Scully Fund

Cooper Investments

John Sevior & Rebecca Gorman


Bernie Shakeshaft


PCYC Broken Hill


Local Area Command

Department of Community Services

As well as several private donations

Contact Us

Location: Unit 6-8, 153-157 Duff Street, Broken Hill NSW, 2880

Phone Jules: 0487 434 208

Email: jules@makingtracks.org.au